Sunday, March 9, 2008

'Warm Winter'

She was a new born girl of just twenty days,

Who went back to heaven;

Didn't get the chance to stay.

He was a little school boy crossing the street

As he passed the rubble

Of where his neighbor's house used to be.

He was a boy mixed up in his head,

So he tried to make shapes

With the bullet holes in the wall next to his bed.

She was a woman trying to be a mother,

But how can she?

When she just lost another.

He was a young man gone because of loyalty

For the place he was raised in,

And it all came at the expense of his family.

He was an old man walking through the door

Unto his three grandchildren,

Who were orphaned because of war.

But He and she and they

Never asked for it to be this way.

But that’s what they got,

Yet the world lives everyday.

They gave them a 'warm winter,'

Or that's what they say.

But no one tries to see,

Because no one wants to hear

That no one was never told,

That a winter is better left cold.

This Year

If you asked me what I want this year

I won't tell you what you want to hear.

I could ask for things that come in boxes with ribbons,

Things whose beauty is not so hidden.

I could ask for things wrapped in pretty paper,

And a little card wishing things sooner instead of later.

I could ask for all the things you can have.

All the things I never had.

But thank you, you never asked.

Because the things I could want will never last.

But the things I really want can never be;

Not because of fate, it's just reality.

I want things money can't bring

Like a song that hearts can sing.

I want just a day when no one dies,

Or to watch the news and no mother cries.

I want a day when the human life is priceless

Or to see a day when money becomes worthless.

I want gardens of flowers and springs.

I want hope that’s not hanging on a string.

I want a day when I can dream,

Just one dream that doesn’t end in fear.

I want a day without seeing suits and ties

Shaking hands, smiling to the camera, telling lies.

I want a smile on every face,

Or a remedy for the heart that aches.

I want a day when justice is served,

Or just a moment when the truth is heard.

I want to see the setting of the sun,

And with eagerness pray for another to come.

So as you can see,

These things can never be.

It's not fate, its just reality.

So thank you, you never asked

About the things I'll never have.